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​This page provides access to Metro Vancouver’s most commonly requested, active bylaws. Each bylaw is associated with one of Metro Vancouver’s three legal entities:

  • Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD), formerly named Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD)​​
  • Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD)
  • Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD)​

It is importan​​t to note that the online versions of the Metro Vancouver bylaws are courtesy copies only and are not official versions. Official certified copies can be obtained from Board and Information Services.

​​Disclaimer​​: Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of online bylaw documents, Metro Vancouver will in no event be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of online bylaws.

To be more precise when searching for a bylaw number, enclose your search in double quotes (e.g. "Bylaw 299"). You can also use the filters to refine your search by service, district, or bylaw name.

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