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Solid Waste Management Plan Update


Solid Waste Management Plan Engagement Panel​​

Are you experienced in leading community/public engagement? Apply to join the Solid Waste Management Plan Independent Consultation and Engagement Panel by March 7, 2025.


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​Project overview​​​

Metro Vancouver is responsible for waste reduction and recycling planning, and operating a series of solid waste facilities in the region.​

The current solid waste management plan contains goals, strategies, and actions for the management of garbage and recyclable materials and was approved by the BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy in 2011. The plan is due for review and we are actively engaging with governments, First Nations, non-profit organizations, the waste and recycling industry, waste producers, businesses, communities of interest, and Metro Vancouver residents to guide updates to the plan.​



Solid Waste Management Plan - Share Your IdeasSolid Waste Management Plan - Share Your Ideas831348252
Solid Waste Management Plan EngagementSolid Waste Management Plan Engagement514053936

Waste management today

Metro Vancouver is a North American leader in waste reduction and recycling because of the:

  • Committed local residents and businesses who work hard to reduce waste
  • Leading policy and regulatory framework supporting waste reduction
  • Public and private infrastructure working together to maximize recycling opportunities

The region is guided by its commitment to environmental stewardship and cost effective and accessible waste management services. The Metro Vancouver region recycles 65% of the waste generated (compared to a Canadian average of 26.5%) and by reducing, reusing, and recycling, residents have managed to decrease the amount of waste disposed per person by 23% since 2011. Even so, the region disposes of 440 kg of garbage per person per year, and there is much work to be done.

Why we are updating the plan

Provincial guidelines recommend initiating a plan review on or before the 10-year anniversary of the current plan's approval.

Metro Vancouver's current Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management Plan (2011) established goals and targets for waste reduction and the recovery of materials and energy from waste, and outlined strategies and actions for Metro Vancouver and its member jurisdictions.

Metro Vancouver is updating its solid waste management plan, building on the strengths of the current plan, and identifying opportunities for accelerated waste reduction and recycling while reducing greenhouse gases and promoting a circular economy.


Metro Vancouver is committed to engaging audiences who may be impacted by or have an interest in the review and update of the solid waste management plan, including:

  • Government and regulatory agencies: including First Nations in BC*, provincial and federal governments, member jurisdictions, adjacent regional districts, crown corporations, airport and port authorities, and health authorities
  • Waste and recycling industry: including haulers, processors, extended producer responsibility programs, disposal facilities, waste/recycling industry associations, binner community, and reuse/repair organizations
  • Waste producers: including various sectors such as food service, grocery, construction, tourism, office and property management, real estate, retail, residents, and educational institutions
  • Industry and business associations: professional associations
  • Community, environmental and non-profit groups: non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth and students, and Urban Indigenous Peoples
  • Metro Vancouver residents: community members from all 23 member jurisdictions

*Indigenous and Urban Indigenous People are invited to participate in all public engagement activities. A separate First Nations engagement strategy focuses on government-to-government engagement with First Nations.

The solid waste management plan public engagement program was brought to the Zero Waste Committee and Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board (GVS&DD) Board in November 2021:

* The engagement program is an iterative document and will be adapted and updated with each engagement phase as the solid waste management plan is developed.

Metro Vancouver has formed a Public/Technical Advisory Committee made up of individuals with relevant personal qualities and experience, from a range of backgrounds, who will provide advice and input on the development of an updated solid waste management plan.

  • Technical research and studies supporting the plan update

    Metro Vancouver is undertaking technical studies to support the update. This evidence-based information will be used to inspire idea generation and guide the analysis of options to accelerate waste reduction and recycling while reducing greenhouse gases and promoting a circular economy region.

    The studies will provide information on:

    • Current challenges and opportunities
    • Global best practices
    • The latest research and new technologies,
    • The financial, social, and environmental impacts of options and initiatives

    Information from the technical studies will be shared as background information during engagement to help First Nations, local residents, businesses, and communities of interest propose ideas, compare options, and support actions that will be incorporated into the plan.

    Metro Vancouver Recycling and Solid Waste Management Annual and Biennial Reports

    The annual recycling and solid waste management reports and the biennial integrated solid waste management plan progress reports both provide baseline information and data about how garbage and recycling is managed in Metro Vancouver. These reports contain updates about annual behavioral change campaigns, research, policies, events, and recycling and waste quantities. They also contain a snapshot of how the region is performing against goals and aspirations set out in the solid waste management plan. View the 2022 report below.

    Metro Vancouver Recycling and Solid Waste Management 2022 Report

Public engagement phases​​

  • Pre-Engagement (April 27 – May 28, 2021)

    The public pre-engagement phase ran from April 27 to May 28, 2021, with Indigenous pre-engagement extending to July 2, 2021 in alignment with Metro Vancouver’s Crown Regulatory Engagement process. Metro Vancouver received feedback from First Nations, communities of interest, key stakeholder groups, and residents on preferred communication channels, methods of engagement, and what is needed to make participation easier.

    We heard support for:

    • Early, continuous, and iterative opportunities to provide feedback
    • A variety of online and in-person (when safe to do so) engagement opportunities
    • Focused, sector-specific discussions
    • Sufficient time to gather and submit feedback
    • Clearly defined engagement purpose and expectations, and respect for the time required of busy stakeholders
    • Transparency on how input is used, and factors considered when coming to a final decision
    • Collaboration with others to host engagement events and amplify communications
    • Fair and collaborative engagement that fosters active listening and an open mind

    We received feedback through:

    • 335 online questionnaire submissions
    • 13 meetings with staff
    • Four workshops and presentations
    • Eight groups presented to the Consultation and Engagement Panel
    • Written submissions from 6 organizations
    • Updates to three municipal committees
    • Four social media platforms

    Metro Vancouver will use the feedback from this pre-engagement phase to help shape a multi-phased engagement program on the solid waste management plan update.

    The results of the pre-engagement phase were reported to the Zero Waste Committee on July 16, 2021:

  • Vision and guiding principles engagement (September 18 – November 10, 2023)

    The purpose of this phase of engagement was to:

    • Invite dialogue around the fundamental values that will guide plan development
    • Develop the vision and guiding principles for an updated solid waste management plan

    In spring 2023, Metro Vancouver met with local First Nations, member jurisdictions, adjacent regional districts, advisory committees, and the public on the vision and guiding principles for the plan.

    Initial feedback was reported to the Zero Waste Committee on July 13, 2023:

    Public engagement for the vision and guiding principles phase included these engagement opportunities:

    Metro Vancouver also worked with 14 not-for-profit organizations, who organized engagement activities to listen and learn from their audiences and networks.

    Metro Vancouver incorporated the feedback from this engagement phase to develop the vision and guiding principles for the updated solid waste management plan.

    Vision: A thriving region where nothing is wasted and resources are valued.

    Guiding Principles:

    1. Accountability from residents, businesses and governments to prevent waste
    2. Transparency about what happens to garbage and recycling
    3. A solid waste system that is resilient to climate change and future challenges
    4. Inclusive solid waste services and programs
    5. Innovation and collaboration to support a vibrant regional economy that keeps products and materials in circulation
    6. Environmental stewardship and climate action
    7. A solid waste and recycling system that is affordable, convenient, and consistent across the region

    These guiding principles will help to shape the next phase of engagement: idea generation.

    The vision and guiding principles were approved by the GVS&DD Board on June 28, 2024.

    Find information on the feedback provided by residents:

    Find more detailed information in the feedback log:

  • Idea generation engagement (September – November, 2024)

    Public engagement for the idea generation phase of the plan’s update took place from September 16 to November 8, 2024. We heard from Metro Vancouver residents about ideas and opportunities to reduce waste and build innovation into the future of waste management in our region. The feedback received will result in a set of potential actions and strategies to be evaluated in the following phase: options analysis.

    Feedback was received during this phase through:

 Consultation and Engagement Panel​



Members and terms of referenceMembers and terms of reference<div class="ExternalClass9C36D4D40B0B43AE80B955B7C038368A"><p>The Solid Waste Management Plan Independent Consultation and Engagement Panel, established by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board, was formed to act as an independent, third party advising staff and the Board on consultation and engagement. </p><p>A comprehensive engagement program involving a broad range of stakeholders and perspectives will be a critical element in the development of an updated plan. Recognizing this, Metro Vancouver has taken the unique approach of convening a panel of engagement experts to guide the development and implementation of a robust and inclusive engagement process. The Panel reports to the Board during all phases of plan development.</p><ul><li>Andrea Reimer, Chair</li><li>Cheryl Brooks, Panelist</li><li>Peter Fassbender, Panelist</li><li>Veronika Bylicki, Panelist</li><li>Metro Vancouver Director Sarah Kirby-Yung, Zero Waste Committee Liaison</li></ul><ul class="fa-ul"><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/swmp-panel-bios.pdf" target="_blank" title="Solid Waste Management Plan - Panel Bios">See full bios</a></li><li><span class="fa-li"><i class="fa-light fa-file"></i></span> <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/swmp-consultation-engagement-panel-terms-of-reference.pdf" target="_blank" title="Solid Waste Management Plan - Terms of Reference">See terms of reference</a></li></ul>​ </div>​​<br>​​<br>
Engagement panel recruitment - 2025Engagement panel recruitment - 2025<div class="ExternalClassA029A815B8E54F59B4045DCC1B1E67A8"><p>Metro Vancouver is seeking consultation and engagement experts who have extensive experience conducting public engagement processes to expand the membership of the Solid Waste Management Plan Independent Consultation and Engagement Panel. </p><h3>The opportunity</h3><p>Apply to join the Solid Waste Management Plan Independent Consultation and Engagement Panel (Engagement Panel) and help advise Metro Vancouver on public engagement specifically related to updating the regional solid waste management plan. Metro Vancouver is looking to enhance the Engagement Panel’s work by recruiting new members. </p><p>The Engagement Panel has been in place since 2020 and currently consists of <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/swmp-panel-bios.pdf" target="_blank">four members​</a>, plus a Zero Waste Committee liaison. It was established as an independent third party that advises staff and reports to the GVS&DD Board on engagement during all phases of the solid waste management plan update to keep Metro Vancouver accountable to its commitment to delivering robust and inclusive engagement. For more details on the panel’s purpose, scope of work, membership, meetings, and compensation, view the <a href="/services/solid-waste/Documents/swmp-consultation-engagement-panel-terms-of-reference.pdf" target="_blank">Terms of Reference​</a>.</p><p> <strong>Remuneration:</strong> Engagement Panel members will be paid as contractors to Metro Vancouver on a per-meeting basis. A T4A slip will be issued at year-end.</p><h3>Required skills and criteria</h3><p>Applications will be reviewed by Metro Vancouver staff. Engagement Panel members will be selected by the Zero Waste Committee/GVS&DD Board in closed (confidential) meetings. Applicants will be evaluated based on their skills and experience in community and public engagement. </p><p>Successful applicants will:</p><ul><li>Have extensive experience leading community/public engagement (e.g. large public planning processes)</li><li>Represent a diverse range of regional perspectives, and/or have experience working with underrepresented or equity-denied communities</li><li>Have demonstrated the ability to work collaboratively with others, and be able to objectively consider multiple perspectives </li><li>Have demonstrated community involvement </li></ul><p>In addition, successful applicants must:</p><ul><li>Reside within the Metro Vancouver region </li><li>Not currently or previously (within the last 10 years), be employed by Metro Vancouver or one of Metro Vancouver’s member jurisdictions </li><li>Not currently be an elected official</li><li>Disclose potential or perceived conflicts of interest upon application</li></ul><p>Metro Vancouver will also review applications to ensure a diverse range of perspectives and experiences are represented on the panel. </p><p>The Engagement Panel is expected to be in place for the full duration of the solid waste management plan update process (approximately two more years). The panel meets on an as-needed basis, particularly near project milestones — typically four or more times per year.</p><p>Applications will be accepted until <strong>March 7, 2025</strong>. </p><p>Submit your application, providing details of your interest in joining the Engagement Panel​. If you have questions about the application process, please email <a href=""></a>. </p><p>​<a class="uk-button mv-button" href="" target="_blank">Apply​​​​</a>​​<br></p></div>



Pre-EngagementPre-Engagement<div class="ExternalClassB6712A21BCC34482B00AA8684E8EEEE1"><br>April 27 - May 28, 2021​<br></div>0
Vision and Guiding Principles EngagementVision and Guiding Principles Engagement<div class="ExternalClass3C9744122DC74B36B79A55EFA605EFC2"><br>September 18 – November 10​, 2023<br></div>0
Idea Generation EngagementIdea Generation Engagement<div class="ExternalClass2C50A6EC1FD447CAB6E66BFA30CD5449"><p>September 16 – November 8, 2024​<br></p></div>1
Options Analysis EngagementOptions Analysis Engagement0
Engagement on Draft PlanEngagement on Draft Plan0
Plan ApprovalPlan Approval0




Backgrounder: Idea Generation, Backgrounder: Idea GenerationBackgrounder: Idea Generation
Infrastructure and Systems, Infrastructure and SystemsInfrastructure and Systems
Promoting Confidence in Recycling Systems, Promoting Confidence in Recycling SystemsPromoting Confidence in Recycling Systems
Recycling and Composting, Recycling and CompostingRecycling and Composting
Waste Prevention and Reduction, Waste Prevention and ReductionWaste Prevention and Reduction
Collaboration and Innovation, Collaboration and InnovationCollaboration and Innovation
Enhancing Accountability, Enhancing AccountabilityEnhancing Accountability
Inclusive Programs and Services, Inclusive Programs and ServicesInclusive Programs and Services

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