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Residential Indoor Wood Burning22235htmlaspxInformation about how to comply with the Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation.1/29/2024 3:17:09 PMMonday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 604-432-6200 Email Metrotower III, 4515 Central Boulevard, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0C6 insert, declaration, best burning practices, wood burning 35832202False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
About the Residential Indoor Wood Burning Bylaw22248htmlaspxLearn more about Metro Vancouver Regional District Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1303, 20202/7/2025 9:19:42 PMBefore you use a residential indoor wood-burning stove, fireplace, or furnace in the Metro Vancouver region you must provide a declaration to follow best burning practices 25165886False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
MVRD Residential Indoor Wood Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1303, 202089174pdfpdf3/27/2020 10:56:14 PMof an existing masonry or metal fireplace; “low-income household” means a residence that has a residential wood burning appliance and whose residents qualify for 10847 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Residential Wood Burning Campaign15522710/17/2024 11:11:40 PMIf you own a wood-burning device, follow best burning practices and register your device online Together we can keep our air Learn more and register 1;632~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Vimeo.js
MVRD Board Meeting – June 2024 Committee Items162000pdfpdf6/7/2024 7:53:44 PMFrom: Lauren Farmer, Acting Program Manager, Indigenous Relations Subject: Quarterly Update Report on Reconciliation Activities That the Indigenous Relations Committee receive for 100 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Metro Vancouver Regional District Board Agenda Package – January 23, 2025242675pdfpdf1/17/2025 12:10:16 AMPurpose: To consider potential input for the 2026 Budget and 2026 – 2030 Financial Plan A G E N D A A. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA That the MVRD Board adopt the agenda for its special 1381 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program44276htmlaspxInformation on how you could receive a rebate on a new low-emission appliance in exchange for your old uncertified wood-burning appliance.2/12/2025 12:28:06 AMBefore you use a residential indoor wood-burning stove, fireplace, or furnace in the Metro Vancouver region you must provide a declaration to follow best burning practices 5923127False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program87466pdfpdf2/14/2024 2:45:08 PM • Have your wood burning appliance, chimney and vents inspected and cleaned at least once a $500 for an exchange to a certified wood- burning appliance • $400 for an exchange to an 614 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Discussion Paper - Managing Residential Wood Smoke in Metro Vancouver87653pdfpdf1/31/2024 8:50:39 PMand other jurisdictions to address wood smoke concerns, and summarizes the proposals for a potential bylaw to reduce wood smoke emitted from indoor residential wood burning 64 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Residential Indoor Wood Burning Seasonal Restrictions - Rack Card80867pdfpdf2/16/2024 9:37:14 PM: • The wood burning appliance is within an offgrid residence located outside the Urban Containment Boundary; or • The wood-burning appliance is the only source of heat 350 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Tips for Burning Smart22282htmlaspxTips to minimize the impact of indoor wood burning.1/8/2025 10:21:37 PMTo reduce wood smoke in your neighbourhood, consider replacing your old uncertified wood stove or fireplace with a certified wood-burning appliance or natural gas appliance 289852False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
Discussion Paper on a Potential Regulatory Initiative to Reduce Residential Wood Smoke in Metro Vancouver80868pdfpdf1/31/2024 8:07:55 PMand other jurisdictions to address wood smoke concerns, and summarizes the regulatory options available to further reduce wood smoke from residential wood burning 74 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Health and Economic Impacts of Residential Wood Burning in Metro Vancouver87592pdfpdf2/27/2017 5:22:33 PMcomparison of potential policy options for wood burning devices being considered by Metro Vancouver to reduce residential wood smoke emissions with respect to a variety of 180 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Wood Smoke Awareness - Brochure80884pdfpdf2/15/2024 5:31:26 AMyour fire needs more air and/or drier wood. Open the stove or fireplace damper to increase air circulation and improve burning. • Get your chimney inspected and swept 251 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Wood Smoke Complaint Declaration and Diary80885pdfpdf2/15/2024 5:18:57 AMIs your complaint related to wood burning or wood  smoke (optional)    Do you operate a wood burning stove, fireplace or  other wood burning appliance at your address 111 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Community Wood Smoke Reduction Program Application Form126679pdfpdf7/2/2024 6:40:43 PMPLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WOOD BURNING APPLIANCES MAY BE SUBJECT TO FURTHER RESTRICTIONS IN For fireplaces, remove the firebrick OR Provide recycling receipt copy 121 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
MVRD Air Quality Management Amending Bylaw No. 1308, 2020 (Amendment)89179pdfpdf3/4/2024 11:41:28 PMthe environment from a residential indoor wood burning appliance unless such discharge is conducted 482 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Make an Air Quality Complaint22252htmlaspxInformation on particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds.1/20/2025 10:52:19 PMBefore you use a residential indoor wood-burning stove, fireplace, or furnace in the Metro Vancouver region you must provide a declaration to follow best burning practices 13521373False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
Climate Action Committee Agenda June 11, 202129147pdfpdf6/4/2021 6:01:51 PMPhase of Engagement on an Open-Air Burning Emission Regulation”, dated May 18, 2021. 5.3 Alternatives to Agricultural Open-Air Burning in Metro Vancouver That the Climate 199 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Climate Action Committee Agenda Package - July 8, 202229205pdfpdf6/30/2022 9:00:06 PMis still underway. 5.2 MVRD Open Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1355, 2022 That the to Metro Vancouver Regional District Open Burning Emission Regulation Bylaw No. 1355, 2022 306 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js

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